Molly Malloy and the Angel of Death is an oddball, often laugh-out-loud funny, romance. It was really refreshing to read such an atypical romance. There are no handsome billionaires, no rich doctors, no sexy shape-shifters, no hot hunks in kilts; instead, the female lead is a down-and-out waitress trying to work her way out of the lower class by studying to become a paramedic. Azrael, the eponymous Angel of Death, is a skinny guy with a near-alien body who dresses in a much-patched big coat, eats constantly whatever he can steal from his victims. He makes the supreme boo-boo. He is supposed to go to a hospital room and collect the soul of a woman who chokes to death on an atomic-heat chicken wing. Instead, he pats her on the back and saves her life and mistakenly takes the soul of her grandmother, the elderly woman in the hospital bed. Because of her near-death experience, Molly can see Death. He starts to stalk her, having been given the order to collect her soul. Needless to say, Molly isn’t ready to die and thwarts Death at every turn. Over time, these two misfits fall in love in this cute novel about the transformative power of love. The world-building is great, especially the unorthodox views of heaven and angels.


Molly Malloy and the Angel of Death (Sungrazer Publishing, August 1, 2023) is available through:

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