Linda Moore has given readers another art heist thriller. As in her debut novel, Attribution, the art world becomes a dangerous place despite the supposed calm of museums and art galleries. Five Days in Bogotá is a pulsating thriller within the world of art, yet the plot and the setting, Bogotá, Columbia, are more intense than in Attribution.

Ally Blake, a forty-year-old mother of two, is a recent widow. Her husband died in 1990 leaving her with daunting financial responsibilities. The owner of an art gallery and fully aware of the potential danger, she decides the risk/reward ratio is worth it to pay off some of the bills her husband left behind and decides to attend an international art expo in Bogotá. The city is full of drug kingpins, kidnappers, murders, and crooked government officials. There’s also a young man she had an affair with when she worked for the US government when she was younger. He tries to rope her into an illicit auction of high-priced art to get under-the-table funds for an undercover operation.

Five Days in Bogotá is an original, well-researched novel blending art dealers with drug dealers and diplomats, all hoping for over-the-top profits from art collectors. It also demonstrates some of the techniques art dealers use to get sales.


Five Days in Bogotá (She Writes Press, May 14, 2024) is available through:

Amazon    |    Barnes & Noble


You can read my review of Linda’s Attribution here.


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