I have to admit that I was sucked into this by the title alone: I Got Abducted by Aliens and Now I’m Trapped in a Rom-Com. I don’t read much erotica because much of it contains what I’ve heard termed “IKEA sex” where one “inserts tab A into slot B” without much finesse or nuance. That is certainly true here, however the book does have a couple of selling points.

The heroine, Dorothy, struggles against her beauty-pageant mother’s dreams by pursuing an actual career as a zoologist studying meerkats in Africa. While filming these animals, she is simultaneously attacked by a lion and abducted by bird-like aliens. She escapes from their space ship and lands on a planet populated by a pink mama T. Rex and various other dinosaurs as well as male hooved aliens with multi-purpose tails that can be inserted into various “slots.” The attraction between Dorothy and the hooved aliens (Sol and Lok) is assured by the alien birds’ use of a dart saturated with sex hormones. I have to question if consent is possible under the influence of artificially-induced hormones. 

The setting is well delineated, and the prose quite humorous at times. This is, believe it or not, erotica with an underlying message about the incompetence of bureaucracy which I find particularly pertinent in current political times.


I Got Abducted by Aliens and Now I’m Trapped in a Rom-Com (Berkley, February 18, 2025) is available through:

Amazon    |    Barnes & Noble


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