The Northern Reach is W.S. Winslow’s debut novel, but it certainly doesn’t read as a beginner’s effort. It is an ambitious collection of interconnected stories (somewhat akin to the structure of A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan) told from multiple points of view over multiple generations. Winslow deftly handles this extended family filled with dysfunctional souls who suffer loves, losses, grief, despair, tragedies, infidelities, disappointments, and resentments. There are many characters, but each section has a family tree showing who’s who.

The writing is gorgeous at times, the tone melancholy, as Winslow relates the resiliency and determination of her many characters. Maine is almost a character itself, its cold, rugged beauty pushing people into the close quarters of the village of Wellbridge, ensuring the friction that occurs when folks rub together. Plus the ever-present pull of the sea on the characters.


The Northern Reach (Flatiron Books, March 2, 2021) is available through:

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