You Can Trust Me is an exciting thriller that grabs the reader from the start. Every character is far more than what they seem. Couple that with two unreliable narrators, and the reader is drawn further into the world of drifters and ultra-rich billionaires with each chapter.

Summer and Leo are two grifters bonded by loss of their families and form a family of their own. Leo ran away from her hometown after her sister dies in an accident and her parents bury themselves in their grief. Summer was raised by a nomadic, off-the-grid type woman. Summer has no birth certificate, doesn’t know her full name, her father’s name, nor her birthdate. She simply doesn’t exist on paper. When she was seventeen, her mother abandoned Summer at a campsite and took off on her own adventures. Her nomadic mother gave birth to her at the back of a van, and Summer spent her childhood drifting from campsite to campsite with her mother. When Leo chooses to seduce a rich billionaire and then disappears, Summer determines to find her—and discovers the billionaire’s private island and all his secrets. 

The characterization is nearly perfect with each character’s persona revealed like peeling away layers of onion skin. The time frames shift between past and present and between the two women. The pacing is fast and the plotting interesting. It is a dark, twisted read.


You Can Trust Me (Bantam, June 13, 2023) is available through:

Amazon    |    Barnes & Noble


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