Nowhere Near Goodbye, released August 4, 2020 by Red Adept, is Barbara Conrey’s debut novel. It delves deeply into the age-old challenge women face: career versus family. I read this book because it looks at some of the same choices I, as a physician, had to make.

When Emma Blake was eleven years old, her best friend, Kate, died of a brain tumor, a glioblastoma. Unable to save Kate, Emma vows to spend her life combatting that tumor and spends years training as a surgeon and an oncologist. A childhood accident left her unable to have children, and she’s for the most part been fairly okay with that as it leaves her ample time for the long days she puts in at the hospital. Her world tilts on its axis when she finds herself pregnant. Once the baby is born, Emma remains torn between being a mother and wife and being a physician.

Nowhere Near Goodbye is thoughtful women’s fiction that looks at how our pasts shape our futures. It also examines the tightrope women walk to balance love, family, ambition, and their purpose in life. Can women ever fully reconcile those choices?


Nowhere Near Goodbye is available through Amazon.


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