The Vigilante Game by Meghan Scott Molin is the third and final book in her Golden Arrow series. It is a humorous contemporary mystery/romantic comedy with diverse characters: a geeky female main character (Michael-Grace), her straight-laced cop boyfriend (Matteo), and her drag-queen best friend (Lawrence) along with beaucoup geeksters as secondary characters. It is the third in the Golden Arrow series but works well as a stand-alone read. The tone is slightly snarky, and the pace clips along rapidly, keeping me fully focused on the novel. Most enjoyable is that MG, who in prior books in the series is tired of men trying to change her and has given up on relationships, yet remains a woman fully-functioning on her own. She is courageous and determined, doesn’t wait around to be “saved” by a man, and remains delightfully geeky and, though comfortable with herself, a bit out of place in the real world. The slow-burn sexual tension between MG and Matteo is charming and has progressed nicely from their first meeting in The Frame-Up. The blend of romance and mystery is deftly woven. People who enjoy Star Trek, classic comic books, mysteries, and contemporary romances will enjoy this book.


The Vigilante Game and the rest of the Golden Arrow series is available from:

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