Two girls with totally opposite personalities, Anna and Lia, find an unlikely friendship in high school, one that survives even their interest in the same boys. They have a falling out in college—and Lia walks out of Anna’s life without further word. That event reverberates through their lives, with each wondering what happened to the other. Twenty years later, Anna finds a letter she’d tucked away in a book. In it, Lia writes an enigmatic post-script asking Anna to meet her, but Anna fails to keep the rendezvous.

At their twenty-year high school reunion, the two women reconcile and begin to make amends to each other for past hurts. As breaches of trust and misrepresentations unravel and the final truth is revealed, earth-shattering events are set in motion that resound through their families. Anna, forced to question everything she believes, has to forgive the one person who hurt her in the worst conceivable way.

What’s Left Untold is women’s fiction in the best sense—women’s foibles and egos working both for and against the characters. Also, this book deals with a taboo topic, one I can’t reveal without spoiling the plot, but one in which the things left unsaid in the past and currently can lead to potential disasters. But Ms. Leimkuhler handles the forbidden behavior deftly, blending fact with social, religious, and cultural attitudes, legal ramifications, and sanctions against what many deem a sin. I’d love to see a sequel to this book in which the consequences of this taboo further play out.


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